
OntoDL+ is a Domain Specific Language created as an improved version of OntoDL. The language allows ontology representation and, through its compiler, conversion to other ontology representation languages. The OntoDL language has been extended to OntoDL+ in order to improve usability. And OntoDL+ compiler has also been expanded translating ontologies to more languages then the previous OntoDL compiler.

OntoDL+ Was created by Alexandre Dias from OntoDL. It looks to increase the capabilities of OntoDL by improving both the language, and its' compiler. This Master Thesis project was done under the guidance of Pedro Rangel Henriques and Cristiana Araújo.

OntoDL+ compiler has been expanded, now translating OntoDL+ compiler is capable of converting OntoDL+ files to:

  • OWL.
  • Alloy.
  • DOT.
  • Prolog.

OntoDL language has been extended to the language now used by OntoDL+. It provides various extra funcionalities in order to improve readability and usability, namely:

  • Pre declaration of atributes for better readibility.
  • Possibility to structure the ontology in various files using the Expands function.
  • Grouping of triples to reduce the code written, improve efficiency and readability of the language.
  • Declaration of properties of the defined relation.
  • Inference of triples by using the properties declared.
  • Declaration of Prolog restrictions for the ontology.

OntoDL+ on a glance: