Pedro manuel Rangel santos Henriques
- staff member --Professor Associado (de nomeação definitiva) com Agregação-- of
- Departamento de Informática - Telef: +351-253604470 Fax: +351-253604471
- Escola de Engenharia
- Universidade do Minho
- Campus de Gualtar - 4710-057 BRAGA, Portugal
- Endereço Electrónico: "pedrorangelhenriques" em "gmail com"
- research member of
- gEPL -- Grupo de Especificação e Processamento de Linguagens
the Language Processing subgroup at
Algoritmi Research Center (CST line)
- CIÊNCIA ID: 4E1C-45A8-BB33
Research subjects
- Language Specification and Processing (methods & tools):
- Grammar development and Parsing algorithms
- Attribute Grammars and Attribute Evaluation
- Attributed Tree Transformation
- Language Processor Generators (compiler compilers)
- Visual Language parsing and translation
- Program Visualizers and Animators
- Programming Languages and Paradigms (imperative, declarative, OO)
- Computational Think and Computer Programming Education
- Program Comprehension (models, approaches, and tools)
- Document Specification and Processing (markup languages)
Educational Activities (course units)
- Introdução à Informática (Arqueologia, 1ºano-1ºsem.):
- Paradigmas da Programação (MiECom, 2ºano-Anual):
- Paradigmas da Programação I (Mi(L)ECom, 2ºano-1ºsem.):
- Métodos de Programação III (LESI+LMCC, 3ºano-1ºsem.):
- Processamento de Linguagens e Compiladores (LCC, 2ºano-2ºsem./3ºano-1ºsem.):
- Processamento de Linguagens (LEI, 3ºano-2ºsem.):
- Processamento de Linguagens I (LESI+LMCC, 3ºano-2ºsem.):
- Programação Imperativa (LEI+LCC, 1ºano-2ºsem.):
[2010/11 ((LCC)]
- Laboratórios de Informática II (LEI, 1ªano-2ªsem.):
- Paradigmas da Programação II (LESI, 1ºano-2ºsem.):
- Métodos de Programação II (LECom, 1ºano-2ºsem.):
- Informática Aplicada--LAD, Linguagens de Anotação para Documentos (LA, 2ºano-2ºsem.):
- Tecnologias da Comunicação em Humanidades (LEO, 1ºano-2ºsem.):
- Laboratórios de Comunicações III (MiECom, 2ªano-1ªsem.):
- Laboratórios Integrados II (LECom, 1ªano-2ªsem.):
- Laboratórios Integrados IV (LECom, 2ªano-2ªsem.):
- Laboratórios Integrados V (LECom, 3ªano-1ªsem.):
- Laboratórios Integrados VI (LECom, 3ªano-2ªsem.):
- [Lab. de Informática 4] Projectos de fim de curso, propostos pelo gEPL (LEI, 3ºano-2ºsem.):
[2007/08 (Template de Relatório)]
- [Opção 3] Projectos de fim de curso, propostos pelo gEPL (LESI+LMCC, 5ºano-1ºsem.):
- Processamento de Linguagens (Mestrado & Curso-Especialização em Informática, 2ºsem.):
- Análise e Modelação de Sistemas de Armazenamento e Transporte de Dados (Mestrado & Curso-Especialização em Sistemas de Dados e Processamento Analítico, 1ºsem.):
- Fundamentos de Programação (CET em Desenvolvimento de Software e Administração de Sistemas, 1ºtrim.):
- Mestrados em Informática (2º Ciclo em Informática + Mestrado Integrado):
[2014/15] ...
- Perfil PLC: Processamento de Linguagens e de Conhecimento:
- UCE30-EL, Engenharia de Linguagens:
[apresentação da UCE em EL]
- UCE15-Seminário:
- Temas para TESE propostos pelo gEPL:
[2012/13] ...
- TESES defendidas:
- 2009:
- Improving Program Comprehension Tools for Domain Specific Languages, Nuno Ernesto Salgado Oliveira.
- 2010:
- Contracts and Slicing for Safety Reuse, Sérgio Areias.
- 2011:
- An ANTLR Back-End for Perl generation, Hugo Miguel Areias.
- GamaBoogie: a Contract-based Slicer for Boogie Programs, Márcio João Carvalho Coelho.
- Comment Analysis for Program Comprehension, José Luís Figueiredo de Freitas.
- 2012:
- Validação de Software altamente configurável, Pedro Manuel Pereira de Lemos (Critical Software).
- Semantic Good Moorning: News collection, management and presentation, José Pedro Costa e Silva (Ubiwhere, uma empresa do grupo Inova-Ria, Aveiro).
- 2013:
- Analyzing and Measuring Open-Source Projects, Carlos Miguel Regedor Torres.
- 2014:
- Concept Location based on System Dependency Graphs, Nuno Filipe Gomes Pereira.
- Converting Ontologies into DSLs, João Fonseca.
- Knowledge Analytics, Pedro José Ribeiro Moreira (Maisis--Information Systems, uma empresa do grupo Inova-Ria, Aveiro).
- 2015:
- Unfuzzying Fuzzy Parsing, Pedro Carvalho.
- Detection of Plagiarism in Software in an Academic Environment, Vitor Martins.
- Exploring Frama-C to improve Assertion-based Slicing, José Ricardo de Almeida Pinheiro.
- QG - An Attribute Grammar based System to assess Grammars Quality, João Carlos Alves Cruz.
- Automatic creation of CVs extracting data from Social Networks, Sérgio Maia Dias.
- 2016:
- Interactive Tagging if Photographes in Cooperative Systems, Vitor Duarte Loureiro Afonso da Rocha Armada.
- Implementing a Syntax-Directed Editor for LogoLISS with incremental compilation, Damien da Silva Vaz.
- Serviço Safe-return-home baseado em Análise de Big Data em Tempo Real, Tarcísio Malheiro.
- Building the Museum of the Person Based on a combined CIDOC-CRM/ FOAF/ DBpedia Ontology, Cristiana Esteves de Araújo.
- Programmer Profiling through Code Analysis, Daniel José Ferreira Novais.
- 2017:
- Question and Answer Systems: A Closed-Domain Question and Answer System for the Python Language Domain, Marcos André Oliveira Ramos.
- Analysis and Visualization of Dynamic Social Networks, Jorge Daniel Caldas.
- Syntax-Directed Editor Generator, Jorge Miguel Sol Ferreira.
- Visualization of Ontology Evolution using OntoDiffGraph, André Filipe Amorim Lara.
- 2018:
- Optimization in code generation to reduce energy consumption, David Moniz Branco.
- Intelligent Feedback System for Programmer's Profile improvement, Martinho Aragão.
- 2019:
- Automatic fix of Source Code Vulnerabilities, Pedro Pereira.
- CortaCola & Espia: Digital Collection creator, integrator and explorer, Luís Fontão Martins.
- Micas, a platform to support teachers of Computing at School. Ana Cristina Azevedo.
- Kiko: A Lesson Planner based on online Concept Maps, Tiago Cruz.
- Privas: assuring the privacy in database exploring systems, Joana Miguel.
- Urban Evolution of Fafe in the XIX and XX centuries, João Filipe Lameiras.
- Solução de Análise Preditiva para Gestão de Tarefas e Avarias, Flávia Daniela Silva.
- 2020:
- GSD: A Web Application for Teacher Timetable Management, João Reis.
- Vulnerabilities fast scan tackling SAST performance issues with Machine Learning, Samuel Ferreira.
- Continuous monitoring of door-to-door postal service, Carlos Costa.
- Algoritmos e Paradigmas de Computação (Mestrado em Ensino de Informática, 1ºsem.):
- Paradigmas da Programação I, II (Mestrado em Ensino de Informática, 1º/2ºsem.):
- Sistemas de Dados I, II (Mestrado em Ensino de Informática, 1º/2ºsem.):
- Seminários -- estágio profissional (Mestrado em Ensino de Informática, 1º/2ºsem.):
Ph. D. Supervision
- José Carlos Leite Ramalho,
Documents Structural Processing and their Semantics, 2000 (finished).
- Maria de Fátima Coutinho Rodrigues (co-supervisor),
An Heterogeneous Architecture for Knowledge Extraction from Databases, 2000 (finished).
- José João Dias de Almeida,
Multiple-source Dynamic Dictionaries, 1997 (finished).
- Jorge Gustavo Rocha,
Geographical Information: Meta-Information, Representation and Visualizatiom, 1997 (finished).
- Maria João Varanda Pereira,
Systematization of Program Visualization and Algorithm Animation, 1998 (finished).
- Paulo Jorge Matos,
An Architectural Model for the Development of Compilers: application to "Dolphin" Framework, 2000 (finished).
- Giovani Rubert Liberlotto (co-supervisor),
Topic Maps, from Syntax to Semantics, 2001 (finished).
- Gustavo Vasconcelos Arnold (co-supervisor),
Automatization of the Code Generation for different Industrial Robots, 2001 (finished).
- Paulo Jorge Oliveira (co-supervisor),
Data Quality Problems in Databases: Detection and Correction, 2003 (undergoing).
- Mario Marcelo Béron (co-supervisor), a Alpha-LERNet student from Universidade Nacional de San Luis, Argentina,
Program Inspection to interconnect the Behavioral and Operational Views for Program Comprehension, 2006-2009.
- Daniela Carneiro da Cruz (co-supervisor),
Verification, Slicing and Visualization of Programs with Contracts, 2007-2011.
- Paula Correia Tavares (co-supervisor)
O Impacto da Animação e Visualização no Ensino da Programação, 2013-2018 .
- Ricardo Giuliani Martini (co-supervisor),
Formal Description and Automatic Generation of Learning Spaces based on Ontologies, 2014-2018 .
- Leandro Oliveira Freitas (co-supervisor),
Uncertainty Handling in Context-Aware systems, 2018-...
- Ricardo Alexandre Martins (co-supervisor),
Emotional state detection through text analysis, an approach to provide better life quality: 2018-... .
- Renato Preigschdat Azevedo (co-supervisor),
DSL based Automatic Generation of Q&A Systems, 2018-...
- Lázaro Vinícios de Oliviera Lima (co-supervisor),
The impact of Augmented Reality for training Computational Thinking, 2019-...
- Tiago Sanches Franco (co-supervisor),
Clinical Decision Support System to Electrostimulation Treatments for Muscle Rehabilitation in the Elderly, 2021-...
- Language Processors & Compilers projects and tools
- LISS compiler: the Language of Integers, Sequences and Sets
- GQE: a Grammar Quality Evaluator system for CFG and AG's
- VisualLISA -- Attribute Grammars made easier: A Visual Environment to edit AG Specifications for LISA Compiler-compilers
- SDEGenerator: A system to Generate a Syntax-Directed Editor for a language given its CFG written with ANTLR meta grammar
- GreenGCC: Study about the impact of GCC optimization levels on energy efficiency
- OWL2GRA: A tool that derives an Attribute Grammar for a DSL from an OWL Ontology
- DariusSDG: A Program Comprehension tool that combines Comment Analysis with Concept Location and System Dependency Graph
- GamaSlicer: the heart of Gama Project, a VCGen, a Slicer, and a Visualizer for Annotated Programs developed under DbC approach
- GamaPolarSlicer: a module of Gama Project for the safety reuse of Annotated Programs
- GamaBoogie: a module of Gama Project for Slicing, and a Visualizing Boogie Programs
- Privas: Assuring privacy in data exploring systems (2020)
- PythonQA: A Question and Answering system to provide knowledge about Python programming language
- AcQA: A Q&A system Generator
- AcQA Experiment
- Alma2: A tool for Program Comprehension of Domain-Specific Languages
- Alma: A Generic System for Program Visualization /Animation
- WebAppViewer (WAV): A comprehensive toolset for understanding Web-Applications
- METAMORPHOSIS -- a Topic Maps Builder (Oveia), Validator (Tche), and Navigator (Ulisses):
A XML generic platform for TM specification (syntax+semantics), construction (enabling data extraction from heterogenous information resources), validation (according to a constraint spec), storage (XTM-format or Database), and navigation (conceptual browsing).
- Conclave: A Toolset for analyzing and understanding large Software Applications
- OntoDL+ An Ontology Specification Language and its Compiler
- OntXQuery: An Information Retrieval System, interactive and iteractive/incremental, based on XQuery++ to search XML documents over the Semantic-Web using ontologies
- OntoDiffGraph: A system to compute and display the differences between two versions of an ontology through the use of a graph
- CortaColaEspia: A Digital Collection Creator, Visualizer, and Explorer (2019)
- OntoSIEP: An Ontology-based Navigator to answer question on the Prosopographic study of portuguese medieval priests database.
- SIEP: An web-based Information System to support the Prosopographic study of portuguese medieval priests, in the context
of the "Fasti Ecclesiae Portugaliae" FCT project.
- SEED: An heterogeneous Information System (based on a generic framework, FDase) to support the study of Demographic Evolution
- CaVa: Automatic Generation of Virtual Learning Spaces
- SGPE: Sistema de Gestão de Processos para requisição de Passaportes para Emigração, another SIME component
- CaVa/OntoME: Uma Ontologia CIDOC-CRM para o Museu Virtual da Emigração
- ADAI2017: "Reflexos da Emigração no concelho de Fafe" an ADAI supported project
- Genio: A Conceptual Browser to explore the Emigration Museum (MEC) Repository
- Genio-Armazena: A web system to create, maintain and explore the Emigration Museum (MEC) Repository
- SIME: The Information System for the Emigration virtual Museum
- UEF: Urban Evolution of Fafe in the XIX and XX Centuries (2019)
- npMP (Núcleo Português do Museu da Pessoa):
A Virtual Museum to collect, process and expose individual "Life Stories",
the first nucleus of the Museu da Pessoa, São Paulo, Brasil
- Adequa: uma Aprendizagem Baseada em Jogos, tornando a experiência de ensino mais personalizada para cada aluno.
- OntoAL:
- MICAS: An web based tool to register and search for Learning Resources to train Computational Thinking or teach Programming (2019)
- KIKO: An web based tool to create and execute online Class Plans for any course (2019)
- PICO: An web site to teach mental-disabled children
- : Uma plataforma configurável com reconhecimento de vós para avaliar provas de memória e atenção via testes de "resposta rápida" (colaboração com o Centro de NeuroSensorial, Braga)
- PhobiAR: Augmented Reality for Phobia treatment
- NetLang Project -- Tools portal: A set of tools to explore NetLang Corpus, including:
- NetLang Search engine: a tool to find 'posts/news + comments' under a selected Type of Prejudice (Sociolinguistic Variable and corresponding Hyponym)
- NetLangEd; special purpose Editor to annotate comments
- NetLang Analyzer: a tool to classify Comments according to Keyword occurrences
- Bombedia: a tool to analyze 'posts/news + comments' to predict if they have potential to generate controversial discussions
- OnlineSOBA (Online Social Behavior Analysis): a semi-automatic system capable of analyzing short texts corresponding to comments written in Portuguese as a reaction to 'posts' on social media platforms, so that it is possible to identify behaviors that define social opinions at a given time interval
- NetLang Corpora Query Engine: tool that allows the search for syntactic patterns in the texts present in the NetLang Corpus collected from online social media texts, particularly comment threads from youtube videos and online newspaper articles.
(FCT) funded Research Projects
- NetLang: The Language of Cyberbullying: Forms and Mechanisms of Online Prejudice and Discrimination in Annotated Comparable Corpora of Portuguese and English.
- CROSS Project: An Infrastructure for Certification and Re-engineering of Open Source Software
- Matisse Project: MathIS - Reinvigorating Mathematics for the Information Society
- PCVIA Project: Program Comprehension by Visual Inspection and Animation
- MetaMedia:
Meta data for archives: audio-visual and textual description schemes (PRAXIS project)
A SIG for the archaeology of "Bracara Augusta" (PRAXIS project)
- GeIRA:
A site to disseminate Cultural and Scientific information about the North of Portugal (InterReg II project)
Algebraic Document Processing (FCT project)
Visual Languages, specification, processing and applications (FCT project)
- S3IR: Reforço da segurança dos sistemas de software através de métodos, técnicas e ferramentas de engenharia reversa (bilateral Cooperation Project (Argentina-Portugal)).
- NoviBraga: Educational mining to compare the success rate on introductory Programming Courses (bilateral Cooperation Project (Serbia-Portugal)).
- GreenSSCM: Green Software for Space Control Mission -- optimization of energy consumption via software
- Quixote: Desenvolvimento de modelos do domínio do problema para inter-relacionar as vistas operacional e comportamental em sistemas de software (bilateral Cooperation Project (Argentina-Portugal))
- AsCoP: Assessing Comprehension of Domain Specific Programs (bilateral Cooperation Project (Slovenia-Portugal))
- DSLPC: Program Comprehension for Domain Specific Languages (bilateral Cooperation Project (Slovenia-Portugal))
- Voda Project: Grammar-based Systems
- LEPAForM : Languages and Environments for the pragmatic application of Formal Methods (ICCTI project)
- ALFA LerNET: Langage Engineering and Rigourous software development Network of Higher Education and Research Intitutions under the auspices of the European Commission ALFA (Latin America Academic Training) programme.
(look on my CV)
Here is an incomplete list:
Program / Organizing Committees
- Member of the Scientific Committee and organizer of CNPLf (05,..,07) -- Concurso/encontro Nacional de Programação Lógica e Funcional
- Member of the Scientific Committee and organizer of CeNPL (98,..,04) -- Concurso/encontro Nacional de Programação Lógica
- Member of the Scientific Committee and organizer of MIUP-TIUP (00,..,08)-- National Imperative Programming Contests.
- General chair and organizer of ICPEC'2021 2nd International Computer Programming Education Conference
- Program co-chair of SLATe'2020 9th International Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technology
- General chair and organizer of SLATe'2018 7th International Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technology
- Program chair of WAPL'2017 -- 6th. Workshop on Advances in Programming Languages, Prague, 4-7 Sept. 2017; (co-located with FedCSIS'2017).
- Program co-chair and organizer of RAISE'2012
- General chair and organizer of ICPC'2010 -- 18th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension
- Program chair and organizer of CoRTA'2010 -- 4th. Int. Workshop on Compiler and Related Technologies and Applications, Braga, Sept. 2010.
- Member of the Scientific Committee and organizer of CoRTA'2009 -- 3rd Int. Workshop on Compiler and Related Technologies and Applications, Lisboa, Sept. 2009.
- Program co-chair and organizer of CoRTA'2008 -- 2nd Int. Workshop on Compiler and Related Technologies and Applications, Bragança, July 2008.
- Program co-chair and organizer of CoRTA'2007 -- 1st Int. Workshop on Compiler and Related Technologies and Applications, Covilhã, July 2007.
- Program co-chair and organizer of CTNET'2006 -- 2nd Int. Workshop on Compiler related Technologies for the .NET plataform, Covilhã, April 2006.
- Program co-chair and organizer of SIA2D'2004 -- 1st Int. Workshop on Sistemas de Informação para a Análise de Dados Demográficos, Granada/Spain, April 2004;
(co-located with ADEH'2004, VII Congresso Ibérico de Demografia Histórica).
- Program co-chair and organizer of WAGA'2000 -- 3rd. Int. Workshop on Attribute Grammars and their Applications, Ponte do Lima, Junho 2000.
(co-located with MPC'2000).
- Program co-chair and organizer of SIA'1999 -- 1st Workshop on Archaeologic Information Systems: GIS applied to Archeology, Vila Real, Set. 1999;
(co-located with CAP'1999 -- 3º Congresso de Arqueologia Peninsular).
- Program chair and organizer of WDavid'1996 -- Workshop David: Algebraic Document Processing, Braga, September 1996.
- Program chair and organizer of WoLP'1993 -- Workshop on Language Processing: OO-approaches and Parallelism, Braga, October 1993.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of ICAART'2022
- Member of the Scientific Committee of SAC'21-PL Tech.Track, SLATe'21, WAPL'2021, LinkedArchives'2021, ICAART'2021
- Member of the Scientific Committee of SAC'20-PL Tech.Track, SLATe'20, ICPEC'2020, ICSOFT'2020, ICAART'2021
- Member of the Scientific Committee of SAC'2019-PL Tech.Track, SLATe'2019, WAPL'2019, IWSC 2019, ICSOFT'2019, ICAART'2019, BICT'2019,
- Member of the Scientific Committee of SAC'2018-PL Tech.Track, LATA'2018, ICAART'2018, PAAMS'2018-DeMaDIE, ICSOFT'2018
- Member of the Scientific Committee of SAC'2017-PL Tech.Track, SLATe'2017, SCLIT'2017, ICAART'2017, ICSOFT'2017, BICT'2017, CAPSI'2017
- Member of the Scientific Committee of SAC'2016-PL Tech.Track, SLATe'2016, SCLIT'2016, WorldCISTI'2016-SHR, MDASD'2016, HistoInformatics'2016, ICAART'2016, ICSOFT-EA'2016, PAAMS'2016-DeMaDIE, CAPSI'2016
- Member of the Scientific Committee of ICSME'2015, ICAART'2015, SLATe'2015, WAPL'2015, SCLIT'2015, IDEAS'2015, ICSOFT-EA'2015, RAISE'2015, EPIA'2015, KES/IDT'2015, BICT'2015, CAPSI'2015, VideoJogos'2015, Humanidades-Digitais'2015
- Member of the Scientific Committee of ICSME'2014, ICAART'2014, SLATe'2014, IDEAS'2014, ICSOFT-EA'2014, KDO'2014, MDASD'2014, CAPSI'2014, CoNaIISI'2014, VideoJogos'2014, SOTICS'2014, HistoInformatics'2014, (BICT)AISE'2014
- Member of the Scientific Committee of ICSM'2013, ICAART'2013, EPIA'2013/Challenges, RAISE'2013, SDIA'2013, SLATe'2013, SCLIT'2013, WAPL'2013, CAPSI'2013, Interação'2013, KDO'2013, Informatics'2013, HistoInformatics'2013
- Member of the Scientific Committee of SAC'2013, PL Technical Track -- ACM-SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing
- Member of the Scientific Committee of SLATe'2012, MDaSD'2012, SCLIT'2012, CSE'2012, BCI'2012
- Member of the Scientific Committee of SAC'2010/2011/20123, PL + DE Technical Tracks -- ACM-SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing
- Member of the Scientific Committee of ICPC'2011
- Member of the Scientific Committee of BIONETICS'2010, "AI and software engineering" Technical Tracks -- The 5th Int. Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information and Computing Systems
- Member of the Scientific Committee of SAC'2008, PL + DE Technical Tracks -- ACM-SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing
- Member of the Scientific Committee of XATA -- National Conference on XML and Associated Technologies and Tools, since 2003.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of CAPSI -- Annual Conference of the Portuguese Association for Information Systems, since 2000.
- Member of the Scientific Committee of Interacção -- Bi-Annual National Conference on Man-Machine Interaction, since 2006.
- Co-Organizer of MIUP'2017 (Maratona Inter-Universitária de Programação) -- National Imperative Programming Contest.
- Co-Organizer of ECAI'2010 -- 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- Co-Organizer of ETAPS'2007 -- European Joint Conferences on Theory and Pratice of Software
- Co-Organizer of GTTSE'2005 -- Summer School on Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering
- Co-Organizer of MPC'2000 -- Int. Conference on Mathematical for Program Construction
- Co-Organizer of SSAFP'1998 -- 3rd. Summer School on Advanced Functional Programming
Important / Interesting Links
Programming Contests
Conferences and Other Scientific Events
Some interesting sites:
EasyChair Smart CFP
Upcoming Software Engineering Conference Map
Conference Calendar
WikiCFP, A Wiki for Calls For Papers
- SAC'2018 (3-7Abr): 33th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
- SAC-PL: Technical Track on "Programming Languages"
- PAAMS'2018 (20-22Jun): 15th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and multi-agents systems
- SLATe'2018 (21-22Jun) 7th International Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technology
- ICAART'2017 (Feb): 9th. Int. Conf. on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
- SAC'2017 (3-7Abr): 32nd ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
- SAC-PL: Technical Track on "Programming Languages"
- SLATe'2017 (26-27Jun) 6th International Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technology
- WAPL'2017 (4-7Set) 6th. Workshop on Advances in Programming Languages
- ICAART'2016 (24-26Feb): 8th. Int. Conf. on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
- WorldCISTI'2016 (22-24Mar) 4th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies
- SHR: 1st Workshop on Semantics for Humanities Resources
- SAC'2016 (4-8Abr): 31th Symposium On Applied Computing
- SAC-PL: Technical Track on "Programming Languages"
- ICPC'2016 (co-located with ICSE, 16-17Mai) International Conference on Program Comprehension
- PAAMS'2016 (01-03Jun): 14th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
- DeMaDIE: Workshop on Decision Making in Dynamic Information Environment
- SLATe'2016 (20-21Jun) 5th International Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technology
- CMEA'2016 (04-06Jul) VII Congresso Mundial de Estilos de Aprendizagem: Educação, Tecnologias e Inovação
- DH'2016 (12-16Jul) Digital Humanities conference
- MDASD'2016 (co-located with FedCSIS, 07-10Set) 4th Workshop on Model Driven Approaches in System Development
- SCLIT'2016 (19-25Set) 6th Symposium on Computer Languages, Implementations and Tools
- WorldCISTI'2015 (1-3Abr) 3rd World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies
- ICSE'2015 (16-24May): 37th International Conference on Software Engineering
- RAISE'2015 (17May): 4th. Workshop on Realizing Artificial Intelligence Synergies in Software Engineering
- KES/IDT'2015 (17-19Jun): 7th. KES Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies
- IABIRP'2015 : invited session on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Business Intelligence Research and Practice
- CISTI'2015 (17-20Jun) 10ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação
- SLATe'2015 (18-19Jun): 4th International Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technology
- ICSOFT-EA'2015 (20-22Jul): 10th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications
- GTTSE'2015 (23-29Ago): 5th Summer School on Grand Timely Topics in Software Engineering
- EPIA'2015 (08-11Set) XVII Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- SDIA'2015: 5th. Doctoral Symposium on Artificial Intelligence
- WAPL'2015 (13-16Set) 5th Workshop on Advances in Programming Languages
- SCLIT'2015 (23-29Set) 5th Symposium on Computer Languages, Implementations and Tools
- ICSME'2015 (29Set-01Oct) 31st IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution
- HDP'2015 (8-9Out) 1º Congresso de Humanidades Digitais em Portugal
- Informatics'2015 (18-20Nov) 13th International Scientific Conference on Informatics
- BICT'2015 (3-5Dec) 9th International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies (BICT 2015, formerly BIONETICS)
- ICAART'2014 (6-8Mar): 6th. Int. Conf. on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
- SAC'2014 (24-28Mar): 29th Symposium On Applied Computing
- SAC-PL: Technical Track on "Programming Languages"
- CSEdu'2014 (01-03Apr): 6th. Int. Conf. on Computer Supported Education
- SeGaH'2014 (14-16May): 3rd International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health
- ICSE'2014 (31May-07Jun): 36th International Conference on Software Engineering
- SLATe'2014 (19-20Jun): 3rd International Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technology
- IDEAS'2014 (07-09Jul): 18th International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium
- KDO'2014 (co-located with WIC, 11Aug): 2nd. Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Ontologies
- ICSOFT-EA'2014 (29-31Aug): 9th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications
- MDASD (co-located with FedCSIS, 07-10Set) 3rd Workshop on Model Driven Approaches in System Development
- ICSME'2014 (28Set-03Oct) 30th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution
- CAPSI'2014 (03-04Oct) 14ª Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação
- SOTICS'2014 (12-16Oct) 4th International Conference on Social Eco-Informatics
- VideoJogos'2014 (06-07Nov) 6ª Conferência de Ciências e Artes dos Videojogos, "A Tecnologia e a arte nos Videojogos”
- SIIE'2014 (12-14Nov): 16º Simpósio Internacional de Informática Educativa
- EPCG'2014 (13-14Nov): 21º Encontro Português de Computação Gráfica
- CoNaIISI'2014 (13-14Nov) 2º Congresso Nacional de Ingeniería Informática / Sistemas de Información
- HistoInformatics'2014 (10Nov): 2nd International Workshop on Histoinformatics -- "Mining and Harvesting Digital History"
- SDDI'2004: Simpósio Doutoral do Departamento de Informática
- XATA'2005: XML: Aplicações e Tecnologias Associadas
- JOIN'2005: Jornadas de Informática do DI
- GTTSE'2005: Summer School on Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering
- CHALLENGES'2005 IV Conferência Internacional de Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação na Educação
- Data Gadgtes'2005:Bringing up Emerging Solutions for DataWarehousing Systems (held in conjunction with JISBD'2005)
- TMRA'2005: International Workshop on Topic Map Research and Applications
- CAPSI'2005: 6ª Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação
- SIIE'2005: VII Simpósio Internacional de Informática Educativa
- EPIA'2005: 12th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- XATA'2006: XML: Aplicações e Tecnologias Associadas
- SDDI'2006: III. Simpósio Doutoral do Departamento de Informática
- CTNET'2006: Compiler related Technologies for the .NET plataform
- LDTA'2006: Sixth Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications (a satellite event of ETAPS'2006)
- JOIN'2006: 4ª Jornadas de Informática do DI
- SAC'2006: The 21st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing -- Programming Languages (PL) Technical Track
- ICKEDS'2006: International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Decision Support
- CISTI'2006: 1ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação
- ITICSE'2006: The Eleventh Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education
- ICPC'2006: 14th International Conference on Program Comprehension
(see also IWPC: International Conferences on Program Comprehension)
- SCAM'2006: Sixth IEEE International Workshop on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation
- Interacção 2006: 2ª Conferência Nacional em Interacção Pessoa-Máquina
- SIIE'2006: VIII Simpósio Internacional de Informática Educativa
- CAPSI'2006: 7ª Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação
- XATA'2007: XML: Aplicações e Tecnologias Associadas
- ETAPS'2007: European Joint Conferences on Theory and Pratice of Software
- LDTA'2007: Seventh Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications (a satellite event of ETAPS'2007)
- SBLP'2007: 11th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages
- ADEH'2007: VIII Congresso da Asociación de Demografía Histórica (ADEH)
- CISTI'2007: 2ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação
- VISSOFT'2007: IEEE Int. Workshop on Visualizing
Software for Understanding and Analysis (co-located with ICPC'2007: 15th Int. Conference on Program Comprehension)
- CoRTA'2007: Compilers, Related Technologies and Applications
- SCAM'2007: IEEE Int. Working Conference
on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (co-located with ICSM'2007: 23rd Int. Conference on Software Maintenance)
- WAPL'2007: 1st Workshop on Advances in Programming Languages
- XATA'2008: XML, Aplicações e Tecnologias Associadas
- SAC'2008: The 23rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
- LDTA'2008: 8th Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications (a satellite event of ETAPS'2008)
- ICSE'2008: 30th International Conference on Software Engineering
- ICPC'2008: the sixteenth IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension
- CISTI'2008: 3ª Conferencia Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de la Información
- CoRTA'2008: Compilers, Related Technologies and Applications
- WikiSym 2008: 4th International Symposium on Wikis
- SIGDOC 2008: 26th ACM International Conference on Design of Communication
- CLEI'2008: XXXIV Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática
- CSE'2008: International Scientific Conference on Computer Science and Engineering
- Models'2008: ACM/IEEE 11th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems
- Iberamia'2008: International Conference of AI Ibero-american Community
- WCRE'2008: 15th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering
- Interacção'2008: 3ª Conferência Nacional em Interacção Pessoa-Máquina
- CAPSI'2008: 8ª Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação
- ICAART'2009 (19-24Jan): Int. Conf. on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
- ETAPS'2009 (22-29 Mar): European Joint Conferences on Theory and Pratice of Software
- CSMR'2009 (24-27Mar): 13th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering
- WWW'2009 (20-24Abr): 18th International World Wide Web Conference
- ICEIS'2009 (6-10Mai): 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
- ICSE'2009 (16-24Mai): 31st International Conference on Software Engineering
- PLDI'2009 (15-20Jun): Programming Language Design and Implementation
- CISTI'2009 (17-20Jun): 4ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação
- HCI'2009 (19-24Jul): 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
- Interact'2009 (24-28Ago): Interact 2009, Research and Practice
- INForum'2009 (10-11Set): Simpósio de Informática
- ICSM'2009 (20-26Set): 25th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance
- VL/HCC'2009 (20-24Set): IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing
- EPIA'2009 (12-15Out): Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- WAPL'2009 (12-14Out): 2nd Workshop on Advances in Programming Languages (WAPL'09)
- CAPSI'2009 (28-30Out): 9ª Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação
- ICAART'2010 (22-24Jan): 2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
- ETAPS'2010 (20-28Mar): The European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software
- SAC'2010 (22-26Mar): 25th Symposium On Applied Computing
- XATA'2010 (19-20Mai): XML, Aplicações e Tecnologias Associadas
- SERA'2010 (24-26Mai): 8th ACIS Conf. on Software Engineering Research -- Management and Applications
- PASTE'2010 (5-6Jun): 9th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering (Co-located with PLDI´2010)
- CISTI'2010 (16-19Jun): 5ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação
- ICPC'2010 (30Jun-02Jul): 18th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension (main site)
- ECAI'2010 (16-20Ago): 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- ECSA'2010 (23-26Ago): 4th European Conference on Software Architecture
- INForum'2010 (09-10Set): 2ª Simpósio Nacional de Informática
- ICSM'2010 (12-18Set): 26th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance
- SCAM'2010 (12-13Set): 10th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation
- SEFM'2010 (13-18Set): 8th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods
- CSE'2010 (20-22Set): International Scientific Conference on Computer Science and Engineering
- ADBIS'2010 (20-24Set): 14th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems
- ASE'2010 (20-24Set): 25th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering
- VL/HCC'2010 (21-25Set): IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing 2010
- ATVA'2010 (21-24Set): 8th Int. Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis
- CBSOFT'2010 / SBLP 2010 (27Set-01Oct):The Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (XIV Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (SBLP))
- SLE'2010 (10-13Out): 3d International Conference on Software Language Engineering
- GPCE'2010 (10-13Out): 9th International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering
- Interacção'2010 (14 e 15 de Out): 4ª Conferência Nacional Interacção 2010
- ISoLA'2010 (18-20Out): 4th International Symposium On Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation
- CAPSI'2010 (20-22Out): 10ª Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação
- SoftVis'2010 (25-26Out): IEEE Symposium on Software Visualization
- BIONETICS'2010 (1-3Dez): The 5th Int. Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information and Computing Systems
- SAC'2011 (21-25Mar): 26th Symposium On Applied Computing
- SAC-PL: Technical Track on "Programming Languages"
- ETAPS'2011 (26Mar-03Apr): The European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software
- MW'2011 (6-9Apr) Museums and the Web, the international Conference for Culture and Heritage on-line
- ICSE'2011 (21-28May): 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering
- CISTI'2011 (15-18Jun): 6ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação
- CSSE'2011 (15-16Jun): The 2011 CSI International Symposium on Computer Science and Software Engineering
- ICPC'2011 (22-24Jun): 19th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension
(main site)
- SLE'2011 (03-06Jul): 4th International Conference on Software Language Engineering
- GGTTSE'2011 (04-09Jul): 4th Summer School on Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering
- CBSOFT'2011 / SBLP 2011 (26-30Set): The Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (XIV Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (SBLP))
- ESEC/FSE'2011 (5-9Set): 8th European Software Engineering Conference and ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering
- PASTE'2011 (5-6Sep): 10th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering
- fedCSIS'2011 (19-21Sep): Federated on Computer Science and Information System Conference
- SCLIT'2011 (19-25Sep): Symposium on Computer Languages, Implementation and Tools
- ICSM'2011 (25Sep-01Oct): 27th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance
- SCAM'2011 (25-26Sep): 11th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation
- EPIA'2011 (10-13Out): Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- CLA'2011 (Oct): Computational Linguistics – Applications Workshop
- IDA'2011 (29-31Oct): Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis -- Analyzing and Understanding Complex Systems
- SeGaH'2011 (09-11Nov): 1st International Conference on Serious Games for Health
- ETAPS'2012 (24Mar-01Apr): The European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software
- ICST'2012 (17-21Apr): 5th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation
- ICSE'2012 (2-9Jun): 34th International Conference on Software Engineering
- RAISE'2012 (5Jun): Workshop on Realizing Artificial Intelligence Synergies in Software Engineering
- MSR'2012 (co-located with ICSE, 2-3Jun): 9th International Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories
- ICPC'2012 (11-13Jun): 20th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension
- SLATe'2012 (21-22Jun): International Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technology
- ICEIS'2012 (co-located with ENASE 2012, 28Jun-01Jul): 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
- COMPSAC'2012 (16-20Jul): Trustworthy Software Systems for the Digital Society
- ASE'2012 (03-07Sep): 27th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering
- CAPSI'2012 (07Sep): 12ª Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação
- MCIS'2012 (8-10Sep): 7th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems
- FedCSIS'2012 (09-12Sep): an ACM-SIGAP Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems
- MDASD'2012: 2nd Workshop on Model Driven Approaches in System Development
- BCI'2012 (16-20Sep): 5th Balkan Conference in Informatics
- SCLIT'2012 (19-25Sep): 2nd Symposium on Computer Languages, Implementation and Tools, organized within ICNAAM'2012 (International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics)
- ETAPS'2012 (24Mar-01Apr): The European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software
- ICST'2012 (17-21Apr): 5th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation
- ICSE'2012 (2-9Jun): 34th International Conference on Software Engineering
- RAISE'2012 (5Jun): Workshop on Realizing Artificial Intelligence Synergies in Software Engineering
- MSR'2012 (co-located with ICSE, 2-3Jun): 9th International Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories
- ICPC'2012 (11-13Jun): 20th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension
- SLATe'2012 (21-22Jun): International Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technology
- ICEIS'2012 (co-located with ENASE 2012, 28Jun-01Jul): 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
- COMPSAC'2012 (16-20Jul): Trustworthy Software Systems for the Digital Society
- ASE'2012 (03-07Sep): 27th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering
- CAPSI'2012 (07Sep): 12ª Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação
- MCIS'2012 (8-10Sep): 7th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems
- FedCSIS'2012 (09-12Sep): an ACM-SIGAP Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems
- MDASD'2012: 2nd Workshop on Model Driven Approaches in System Development
- BCI'2012 (16-20Sep): 5th Balkan Conference in Informatics
- SCLIT'2012 (19-25Sep): 2nd Symposium on Computer Languages, Implementation and Tools, organized within ICNAAM'2012 (International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics)
- CSE'2012 (03-05Oct): 10th International Scientific Conference on Computer Science and Engineering
- SEW'2012 (12-13Oct): 35th IEEE Software Engineering Workshop
- FTSCS'2012 (12Nov): First International Workshop on Formal Techniques for Safety-Critical Systems
- ID'2013 (21Jan) 1st International Workshop on Interference and Dependence
- PEPM'2013 (21-22Jan) ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation
- POPL'2013 (23-25Jan) 40th. ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages
- ICAART'2013 (15-18Feb): 5th. Int. Conf. on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
- LAFLang: WS on Learning, Agents and Formal Languages
- SAC'2013 (18-22Mar): 28th Symposium On Applied Computing
- SAC-PL: Technical Track on "Programming Languages"
- ICCSEE'2013(22-23Mar) 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Electronics Engineering
- WorldCIST'2013(27-30Mar) World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies
- ICSE'2013 (18-26May): 35th International Conference on Software Engineering
- ICPC'2013(co-located with ICSE, 20-21May) 21st International Conference on Program comprehension
- WWV'2013 (6 Jun): 9th International Workshop on Automated Specification and Verification of Web Systems
- PLDI'2013 (16-21Jun): 34th annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation
- SLATe'2013 (20-21Jun): 2nd International Symposium on Languages, Applications and Technology
- WAPL'2013 (08-11Set) 4th Workshop on Advances in Programming Languages
- EPIA'2013 (09-13Set) XVI Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- ICSM'2013 (22-28Set) 29th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance
- SEFM'2013 (25-27Set) 11th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods
- CAPSI'2013 (04-05Out): 13ª Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação
- i'13 (05-07Nov): INFORMATICS'2013, the 12th event of International Scientific Conference on Informatics
- Interação'2013 (07-08Nov): 5ª Conferência Nacional sobre Interação
- SIIE'2013 (13-15Nov): 15ª Simpósio Internacional de Informática Educativa
- KDO'2013 (17Nov): First Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Ontologies
- HistoInformatics'2013 (25Nov): 1st International Workshop on Histoinformatics -- "Mining and Harvesting Digital History"
Institutional Links
- MAPi,t/PDInf Doutoramentos do DI.
- MEI/MI/MBioI/MRSC Mestrados do DI
- RepositóriUM
- SIEEUM Sistema de Informação da Escola de Engenharia da UM
- Blackboard Sistema de eLearning da UM
- APPIA Associação Portuguesa para a Inteligência Artificial
- MCTES Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior
- FCT Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
- FCT Portal de Ciência e Tecnologia
- FCTSIG Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - Sistema de Informação e Gestão
- MEC Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia
Other related Links
If you have any common interests, comments or suggestions, feel free to contact me.
author: pedrorangelhenriques at gmail dot com
Page in permanent update. Last modified: 2020.06.30