
During the development of GQE, several files documenting the project, the teory and the tools were produced. Below you can see and download them.

Books and Reports

  1. Name Brincando ás Linguagens com Rigor: Engenharia Gramatical
    Author Pedro Rangel Henriques
    Year 2013
    Institution CCTC/DI, University of Minho
  2. Name The Definitive ANTLR 4 Reference
    Author Terrence Parr
    Year 2013
    Publisher Pragmatic Bookshelf ISBN:1934356999, 9781934356999



  1. Name Assessing Attribute Grammars' Quality: metrics and a tool
    Description This document was produced to present the beginning of the GQE Tool, what is it? whay bother with? How is possible? and some results.
    Public SLATE15 Conference
    Date June,2015
  2. Name GQ - An Attribute based System to assess Grammars Quality
    Description Small presentation introducing and contextualizing the purpose of this Master Dissertation.
    Public Pre-Dissertation Report jury and interested public
    Date February,2015

Useful links

  • ANTLR - ANother Tool for Language Recognition
  • Wordnet - A lexical database for English.
  • GEPL - Language Specification and Processing Group.
  • DI/UM - Departamento de Informática da Universidade do Minho.