The CaVagen set consist of four processors, namely CaVastructure, CaVaqueries (CaVaqueriesTriple for triples, instead of mappings), and CaVarun. The first one is responsible for the generation of the static content of the virtual LS. Moreover, CaVastructure has the task of executing the CaVaqueries or CaVaqueriesTriple processor (if at least one query operator is set up in the CaVaDSL Specification). The second and third one have the duty of assembling the ontology queries based on the query operator(s) specified in the CaVaDSL description. They shall handle the mapping or other intermediate file that links the ontology to the database (e.g., an OBDA mapping file, a Terse RDF Triple (turtle) file, etc). The last one, CaVarun, is responsible for executing the queries mounted by CaVaqueries or CaVaqueriesTriple Processor and generates the queries results file to be used by the LS Scripts.